Photo Gallery
Click on the images below to open:
2005 Land Drive
Gregory River
Scuba Diving
2005 Land Drive
Mill Tour
Century Mine
Learning Husbandry from Station Manager Lance Hutley
De-Horning Weaners
(Brenton Cairns, Donny Langtree)
(Donny Langtree, Donovan Evans)
Homestead Maintenance
Motorbike Training
(Fenton Kayuka)
On Property Assessments
(Brenton Cairns, Craig Logan, Donny Langtree)
Presentation of Saddles,
Open Day 2006
(Fenton Kayuka, Bruce Chong, Donovan Evans)
Boyd Curran at Presentation Day,
Open Day 2006
Denley Foster and his Family at Presentation Day help him celebrate
Lou Wilson provides Words of Enouragement to Lloyd Jones at Presentation Day
Presentation Day BBQ Reber Cameron cooks up a storm
Shirley Chong presents to the graduates Presentation Day
Brett Fletcher, GM of Century Mine
Presentation Day Zinifex Support
Stockmans Hall of Fame
(Kahli O'Keefe, Sherry-Anne O'Keefe)
Land Drive Participants 2005
Trainees at Century Medical Center
Participants of Land Drive
Trainees participating in a formal RITE training session
West Leichhardt Trainees